1600 cases of mosquito disease in 7 days

There are 1600 cases of Dengue Fever and Chikungunya reported within the first 7 days in this year whereby Selangor detected with the most cases. Minister of Health said, most of the mosquito disease detected at residence area, one of the factor for mosquito breeding is due to raining day since last year. He advised to those who have fever have to get doctor treatment immediately. Ministry of Health has carry on mosquito fogging and gotong royong at affected area to control mosquito breeding, on top of that, minister of health also transmits information of mosquito prevention and danger of mosquito disease through media to all people.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Madam,
As a Vector Control Scientist for the past three decades in India, I would like to suggest the following for the benefit of people.
1. The govt.is taking initiative only after reported cases of either dengue or chikungunya. Also, IEC (information, education and communication)through various media which is very helpful.
2. However, as per my practical experience, at Jeddah, Kingdom of saudi Arabia on dengue crisis management and mosquito control programme, Student volunteers practical hand in hand training must be enforced along with training the other people. This is the most essential component for reducing cases in due courses.
3. People of all walk of life above 10 years old must be given exposure on prevention of Dengue/chikungunya mosquito breeding sources in their domestic environment.
4. If possible, a special squad must be created for "practical Hand in Hand training" as a continuous measure for many years.
5. Govt. organized sector could only concentrate with more resources on natural breeding sites of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.
Your suggestions are welcome.
With kind regards,
Dr. T. Mariappan,Scientist
Vector Control Research Centre (ICMR), Pondicherry.
E-mail: thirumari@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Madam,
As a Scientist working in the field of vector control for the past three decades, I am happy to suggest my views for the benefit of the readers.
1. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are well known vectors of both chikungunya and dengue.
2. The original home of these mosquitoes are forests and the breeding places are tree holes, tree stumps, tree axils, rock pools, rock holes etc., People who are visiting nearby forests are bitten by these mosquitoes. Those people carry the infections to the local population in villages, towns/cities. The viruses of both chikungunya, dengue are maintained in sylvatic cycle. Currently, the breeding sources are in very close proximity to the human habitation, during non-rainy months defrost water collection trays in refrigerators found to be potential breeding sites reported by us (Srinivasan, R., Mariappan, T. and Jambulingam, P. in Dengue Bulletin, 2007, vol:31, 174-175).
3. Acute domestic water shortage forced people to store in domestic water containers facilitate for breeding of these mosquitoes are well documented as reported in places like Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Middle East Countries(Mariappan, T. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2009, vol:117(2)).
4. The dormant eggs of these mosquitoes could survive for 6-8 months in adverse conditions. Thereby, during rainy period these species shoot up in density and facilitate for transmission.
5. The only choice of vector control has to be undertaken by every individual in the globe through source reduction procedures. For that purpose, above 10 years old group of people must be trained in practical hand in hand training to avoid any out break in future.
6. The Govt. organized sector is necessary to be vigilance and they could concentrate more on natural breeding sites as continuous measures without break.
Suggestions are welcome,
With kind regards,
Dr. T. Mariappan,
Scientist, Vector Control Research Centre (ICMR)
IndiraNagar, Puducherry, Pin: 605 006. India.
Phone: +91-413-2272219
E mail: thirumari@yahoo.com

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